“The members of the jury find the defendant Hamlet…”
Recent history and Elizabethan drama overlap in a unique fusion of theatre and legal trial. Real-life barristers, a judge, other legal professionals and a “jury” formed by the audience will take part in a “trial” of Hamlet for the murder of Polonius. The unscripted and interactive play by Roger Bernat and Yan Duyvendak awakens the audience’s sense of ethics, drawing them to realise how difficult it is to judge someone and giving them insight into how justice is administered.
Production Team
Creation: Yan Duyvendak & Roger Bernat
Scenography in collaboration with: Sylvie Kleiber
Graphic design: Marie-Klara Gonzalez; Nicolas Robel B.ü.l.b Grafix
Management: Marine Magnin
International development: Judith Martin – Ligne Directe
Communication and production: Charlotte Terrapon
Technical: Eric Mutel
Chan Tai Yin (Hamlet)
Onnie Chan (Ophelia)
Jo Ngai (Gertrude)
With local legal practitioners